Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New Discovery, How Vikings Truely Look Like

By Adam Liang

A recent study by the "Viking History Corps" discovered what the average viking (also known as a Norseman) looked like. After examining and analyzing many artifacts, primary sources and secondary sources, the organization has finally uncovered what a "true viking" looks like.

"Viking History Corps" have found out that Norsemen usually have a helmet on their head and also kept their hair in a nice trim. On a Norseman's face will probably be a long mustache and a beard. Although the organization has not confirmed yet, they have inferred that women wore long hair.

An average Norseman was about 170 to 181 centimeters tall. While women were about 149 to 164 centimeters
"This was much taller than your average European," said the head of the "Viking History Corps."

The organization is still working on trying to uncover more about how Norsemen used to look like. Look for more articles about Norsemen that might come out soon.


Ms. Sackstein said...

excellent news article, but we can work on cleaning up the headline and couple of stylistic elements. I enjoyed reading it. You should be proud of your work.

LAWRENCE... said...

Yo Adam Mrs.Sackstein sayed to put your name on your tittle. :)

Ms. Sackstein said...

Adam, We did conference on this article, so I am a little surpised that some of the corrections weren't made. It is interesting information though.